Leaving San Francisco
Yesterday was the last day of work. Today is the first day of moving. Packing things up and putting them...
Yesterday was the last day of work. Today is the first day of moving. Packing things up and putting them away until I need them again. My apartment is a jumble of plastic bags, bubble wrap, styrofoam peanuts and books, books, books strewn everywhere, with a sprinkling of CDs to relieve the monotony.
No way to write new posts for the next month and a half but rather than go on hiatus I did something clever. I wrote stuff in advance. It's not much but it's more than nothing. Some of it details the adventures of my future travels. As such, those adventures will be fantastic, with no correspondence in reality, but I'm not sure that it detracts from the stories. It's all I have, anyway.
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