The Amazing Disappearing Entry

I'm an engaged man now!  Women worldwide go into deep funk.
  February 19, 2002

Go figure—I posted the big news, and now it has vanished from my site into the unknown reaches of cyberspace, to be discovered only by some superintelligent shade of the color blue a million years from now.  So I shall post it again: I screwed up my courage and popped the question to Lanie over the Valentine’s Day weekend.  Yes, The Question.  And her answer, thankfully, wasn’t 42.  It was “yes”!  Can you tell I’m happy?

To all those who read this pathetic excuse for a blog, chances are that both of you will be invited.  Formal notifications shall follow in due course.  In the meantime, read my musings on the dynamics of time paradoxes, or my occasional bad poetry, won’t you?

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